
Ghana: a country on the coast of West Africa, where i will be living for the next 27 months or so....

Sunday, June 26, 2011

This is how we do it......

So I have now been in Ghana for....18 seems longer and shorter all at once! So lets see, what have i been up to these past 2.5 weeks: I am now living with a Ghanaian "host" famliy, which means all of the NRM (natural resource management) kids are living in a village in the eastern region, with host familys. I have a new "mom, dad, 7month of brother and 2 year old sister" . It was been an.....interesting time....the food has taken some time to get used to. imagine if you can a large ball of bread dough, only with you roll it, it does not change shape, and has been fermenting for a while.....this is called Kenke.....a food that they have here....i can not say that i love it all so much!
But on the brighter side of life, the fruits are amazing! Two days ago, we learned where we are going to be living for the next two years.....called our Site announcement ceremony......I got WAY sick that day, and was feeling like death, so im sure most of the people there thought i hated that i was going to be living in the EASTERN region, up in the Afram Plains!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!! Im super excited! I will be taking over for a PCV (peace corps volunteer) that is there right now and will be COSing (close of service) this august.
I will be learning a language called Ewe, with only one other person, who is in the Volta region. I will be having 6 hours of language training DAILY and than 2 hours of tech training daily as well for the next 2.5 weeks! My head is going to explode with amazing knowledge! lol After that, we are (we, as in NRM and Watsan) going on field trip after field trip for about 5 weeks! i will visit my site and learn bee keeping and see crocs and go to a monastery! and lots of stuff, so look out for that, and i will put pics up soon, i just dont have  my camera charger at the moment...woops! lol, thanks mom for sending me a package!
Ok, well thats all that is going on in my life at the moment, PLEASE send me mail and packages!!!! I WOULD LOVE to hear from everyone!
 a special shout out to my Ginger Katie for thinking a head and sending me a kick ass postcard so i got something the moment i got there.... You ROCk!!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


So, im in Ghana.....Its pretty awesome......loving the people that i am! I am on my vision quest at the moment in the volta region with laura. for those of you who are not in peace corps and have no idea what i am talking about, a vision quest is where i travel to some part of the country and spend 5 days with a current PCV..(laura is sed volunteer) she is a teacher for IT stuff....i know nothing to do with the envrionment, but its still pretty awesome! we went to another pcv site and planted some coco seedlings today.....pretty fun! but thats about it for now, we are going to go be leaving and eating some popcorn and watching a movie in her house..i will update soon with my views and thoughts of Ghana and such!              So yea....peace corps far   :)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

I'm Packed, I'm Ready, Lets Do This!

So this is it.........The US government was not lieing to me when they sent that wasn't just a big hoax and anytime now someone will shout...You just got Punked.....I am actually going to be living in West Africa for the next 27 months. 
I just finished reading the first 50 years of the peace corps; it was very interesting and i learn quite a bit...I had no idea how many volunteers there once were and how they wanted to have that many again for the 50th ( 14,00 volunteers......we only have around 7,300 at the moment) so unless they can pull off placing 7 thousand more volunteers in 3 months, i dont see this but back to me.....
The last week in the states for me was AMAZING! i got to see a lot more people than i thought that i would get to see.....thank Ashley Flinn and Kaylee jeorgens for spreading the word and getting Thanks too to Sean ( you know what you did) and Hillary Brown.....O why does south africa have to be so far away!!!! 
But i'm packed, im ready, Lets do this!