
Ghana: a country on the coast of West Africa, where i will be living for the next 27 months or so....

Monday, February 27, 2012

a guide to better understanding

I have now been in Ghana for almost 9 months if you can believe that. When you first come to a new place, there are so many different stimuli, that it’s impossible to receive all the information that is being thrown at you. This is particularly true when you are in a place so different from what you have ever experienced; part of your brain goes on vacation without you even realizing it. But soon, this part of the brain comes back, and starts to notice all the things that were lost when you first landed.  When this happens, you start to take on the traits of those around you, mostly subconsciously, only realizing what has happened when you are with others who are going through the same things. For example, those of us who live in Ghana know that there is are 70+ local languages, each of us knowing a certain one or even two of these. But there is one language that we all begin to learn just by interacting with every Ghanaian we meet; this is Ghanaian English. Here are some examples that I find myself and others who have been here some time:
1.       Small small- this can mean many things and used in most sentences…it will take time, it’s a small thing, I like something only a little,  etc.; Ex: I am hungry small small
2.       Somehow- this one creeped up on me, and I did not even know that I was using it till the other day Ex: somehow, we will get food today, somehow
3.       O, WHY!!- This is often said with great vigor and passion; usually used when something bad has happened or something you don’t like; Ex.  you get to your tro that you are supposed to take to get home, and a women cuts in front of you to get the last spot…WHY….
4.       Fine- when I first got to Ghana, it felt odd to say Fine  to every comment or question someone threw at you, but now it feel normal; ex. How are you?    Fine…
5.       Sorry-o- adding O to the end of words is common here, and kinda fun…. Ex: a women trips and instantly you hear a string of “sorry-o’s”
6.       Please- this is one of my favorite things, anytime you have a question or ask anything of anyone, you start the sentence with please…so polite
7.       Dis Ting- this is a common phrase heard that is in reference to just about anything…Ex: O, have you seen my dis ting? You know the dis ting….. (they are meaning to say this thing)
8.       Come and go-  this is said in two different ways; a. someone says it to you, meaning you will leave and come back, b. this is said by you to someone to get them off your back about the fact that you can no longer stay and chat, it’s the polite way to say I’m outta here
9.       I’m coming- this is said each time you are leaving a place; it took some time for me to get used to it. Ex. I am going to the restroom to urinate-another thing they say here often..hate that word…so I would say I’m coming…
10.   You are invited- this is said each time you might see someone eating; whether in their home, on the street, in the market, anywhere; when someone comes to talk to you and you are eating something, you should always invite them to whatever you are eating; most times they don’t really mean for you to eat with them, but just a way to be nice and polite.
11.   Small boy/girl- this is generally called out of younger members of the community who are than asked to do small jobs for whoever had called them…ex: I want some pur water, so I give my money to a small girl to go get me one… and they do this without a sneer or complaint like one might expect in America; it’s just part of the culture to respect and obey the people older than you. Or you might get called small boy if you are in fact….just small in stature…

There are a ton more, but those are some of my favorite and most commonly used. I’m sure some of you, that have talked to me on the phone, have heard some of these slip out, and know you can better understand what I am saying. 

1 comment:

  1. I didn't realize you were blogging it up! So glad you're sharing these experiences! Miss you, friend. Hope to catch up with you soon, Sarah Tess. :)
